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YOOtheme Pro 4

For website design, we now use YOOtheme Pro extensively. The template system is responsive, making it work well on mobile phones and load very quickly.

The template system includes a Page Builder and a Template Builder. With the Template Builder, you can create professional page layouts with dynamic content. You can then assign these template pages to specific categories, so Joomla's overview pages (Category Blog view) and individual articles (Single Article view) use that template.

In late May, version 4 of YOOtheme Pro was released, offering even more possibilities for professional websites. Dynamic content has new functionality, such as parent sources, dynamic multiplication, and nested multiple items sources. Furthermore, a lot of attention has been given to accessibility to make sites WCAG-compliant. Finally, they have made some adjustments to further improve the workflow.

Want to learn more about YOOtheme Pro 4 for your website?
Contact us here.


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