Custom website
A good website fulfills the purpose for which the website was built. We create custom websites that are easy to use, and that are easy to find through search engines (SEO optimized).
We build unique custom websites that are designed for speed, accessibility, security, mobile devices, search engine optimisation (SEO) and are also easy to manage. We usually use Joomla CMS, an advanced open source Content Management System (CMS), as our basis.
We take care of a well-configured website, a clear and logical menu structure, a neat design, "nice URLs", a breadcrumb trail for extra navigation, an XML sitemap, etc. And we provide a short training course so that you can manage your content yourself.
Custom design
Branding allows you to distinguish yourself from your competitors. Custom design is a form of branding. We build custom designs based on our client's corporate identity. If you don't have a corporate identity yet, we can bring in external professional designers. They will then provide logos and web design, which we use as the basis for the design of the website.
Custom content
We support companies and organisations with the creation of website content. We are not specialised in writing texts. If our customers need optimised texts, we cooperate with professional copywriters.
Custom functionality
Much functionality is available through the Joomla Extension Directory. Some extensions are free, others are available for a small fee. There is a lot of quality difference between the extensions in terms of: functionality, design, usability, quality of the code and the cooperation with other extensions. Getting advice from fellow Joomla users or paid advice from a professional Joomla company can save a lot of time and money.
Sometimes it is more convenient to have custom functionality developed. We have experience with custom extension development since 2005.
Custom website
We take care of your unique custom website, which will be designed with unique design and set up for usability, speed & search engine optimization (SEO).
Your benefits
For the customised websites we build, we use an open source Content Management System (CMS). The advantages of open source software for our customers are:
- Faster development
We use existing code and do not have to start from scratch. - Lower costs
We use existing code. Any expansions can be purchased relatively cheaply. - Less dependence
You are not dependent on one supplier. There is a large community of users and developers who support the system.
- More knowledge
The large community of users and developers share their knowledge with each other. The source code of the software is public. - More security
The source code of the software is public. The code can be studied by developers. As a result, there are no hidden security problems in the base. - Better support
Due to the lack of vendor lock-in, we have to prove our quality and service time and time again.
A customised website is fully adapted to your communication needs.