Joomla 5.1 - discover the new improvements
On Tuesday 16 April 2024, Joomla 5.1 was released. This is a new version in the 5.x release that adds improvements and some new features to Joomla. What improvements and new features are in Joomla 5.1?
1. Safer software updates with TUF (The Update Framework)
The Update Framework (TUF), is a security system designed to make the way software updates are performed more secure. TUF ensures that updates are genuine and have not been modified by hackers.
It works as a series of checks where each step in the update process is checked by different keys and signatures. This means that even if a hacker gains access to one part of the system, they cannot easily spread fake updates because other parts of the system will not trust them. TUF therefore helps to ensure that the updates you receive are safe and secure.
Learn more about: https://theupdateframework.io/
2. Improved Darkmode
In Joomla 5.1, several improvements have been made to the Darkmode option. Darkmode is a display setting where the light background colours are replaced by dark colours. This makes the interface of a programme or website appear mostly dark.
Some people find this more pleasing to their eyes in dark environments. But it can help extend the battery life of mobile devices because lighter screens generally use more energy. And some people find the dark mode more aesthetically pleasing.
In Joomla 5.0, the back-end was shown in darkmode if it was set in the browser. In Joomla 5.1, a user can choose to enable darkmode manually. Furthermore, improvements regarding darkmode colours have been implemented in the interface.
3. Improved Welcome Tour
Another new functionality is the "Welcome Tour", a welcome tour that starts automatically on new installations. And which can be manually activated after updates. This tour appears as one of the first options in the list of tours on the dashboard.
4. Other improvements
Further improvements and bug fixes can be found on Joomla's github page of Joomla under Milestones..