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In the Netherlands, the December month is filled with traditions. A favourite day is the Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas) evening on December 5th.

The weeks before, little children put their shoe near the chimney pipe (nowadays usually central heating) in the hope that Sinterklaas and his Pieten fill them with sweets in the evening. And then on the 5th of December, it's "gift night".

Little children then get presents. Older children and adults give each other a "surprise", a creative gift wrapping, often with a small present and a self-written poem.

Another popular aspect of the Sinterklaas party is the tradition of chocolate letters. In the Netherlands, it is customary to give and receive chocolate letters during this festive period. The special touch comes from the fact that the letter is the first letter of the recipient's name. Thus, giving and receiving a chocolate letter becomes not only a sweet treat, but also a personal gesture.

And it provides a perfect opportunity to spell out "Joomla" in tasty chocolate letters.


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